Session K3-1: Integrated Circuit Innovation in the Age of AI

Prof. Boris Murmann, University of Hawaii, USA

K3-1: 9:00-9:45, Oct. 24, 2024, Thursday

Title: Integrated Circuit Innovation in the Age of AI


The field of machine learning and artificial intelligence has been a sleeping giant that was recently awakened by the enormous compute power of deeply scaled CMOS technology. The current sentiment suggests that AI capabilities will affect nearly all aspects of our lives, including the way we use and design the circuits that have enabled this movement in the first place. This talk will review the current trends in circuit design for AI/ML as well as opportunities in AI/ML for circuit design. As an overarching theme, I will highlight that circuit design must become more agile and open to attract new talents and to deliver future progress at the rate demanded by its driver applications.


Dr. Boris Murmann is a Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. From 2004-2023 he served as a Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. From 1994 to 1997, he was with Neutron Microelectronics, Hanau, Germany, where he developed low-power and smart-power ASICs. Since 2004, he has worked as a consultant with numerous Silicon Valley companies. Dr. Murmann’s research interests are in mixed-signal integrated circuit design, including sensor interfaces, A/D and D/A conversion, high-speed communication links, embedded machine learning (tinyML) as well as open-source chip design. He is a fellow of the IEEE and currently chairs the IEEE SSCS Technical Committee on the Open-Source Ecosystem.